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In addition to a variety of courses for all skill levels, we offer the opportunity to earn valuable industry credentials with our world-class certifications in SEO Essentials and Technical SEO.

Improve interactions to show engagement and increase dwell time on the page. You could do this by adding videos, breaking up text with images or including expert quotes or tips. 

Diretrizes por Excelência do Google: Documento que detalha táticas que são proibidas por serem maliciosas e/ou destinadas a manipular resultados de pesquisa bem saiba como táticas desejáveis.

Menambahkan gambar ke konten website/blog adalah langkah bagus agar pengunjung tidak bosan. Selain itu, gambar juga dapat membantu pengunjung untuk memahami konten Anda.

Google Search Console: Plataforma gratis do próprio Google que permite que os proprietários do sites monitorem saiba como seu site está se saindo na pesquisa orgânica.

Technical Optimization: Technical Optimization is the process of completing activities on your site that are designed to improve SEO but are not related to content. It often happens behind the scenes. A simple example of technical optimization is submitting your sitemap to Google. 

Written and compiled by the top experts in the industry, our SEO guides on everything from auditing your site for technical success to hiring the best SEO managers are organized by skill level and available for free.

This information was eye-opening for me. As someone who is relatively new to the blog scene, tips like these give me a lot of inspiration for getting a larger following. Thank you for putting all this information in one place!!

Service Area Pages: These location-specific pages should contain unique descriptions of how your service or solution meets the needs of customers in that particular area. Duplicate content here could send conflicting signals.

Proactively building links and citations from high quality third-party sites via outreach to those publications

A strategy for SEO also helps you to stay on track with your content. Instead of investing time and money into content that won’t perform, you will create quality content based on performance and user intent.  

Off-Page Optimization: Off-Page Optimization is the process of enhancing your site’s search engine rankings through activities outside of the site. This is largely driven by high-quality backlinks, which help to build the site’s reputation. 

No caso do link nofollow, este nosso atributo impede de que este robô do Google siga aquele link e transmita a autoridade do site que fez o apontamento. 

To ensure that your website can be properly indexed and crawled by search engines click here and properly used by people, technical SEO includes, but is not limited to, management of all of the following elements:

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